Page name: Chav Scum! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-08 22:03:17
Last author: sam_moo
Owner: sam_moo
# of watchers: 9
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Chavs are horrible and if you agree with that then join this wiki because this wiki was made because of something that happeend to two of my mates. Infact two of my good mates. It really really annoyed me so I've made this wiki in aid for anyone who hates chavs, rudes etc. to join and show their hatred of chavs and all scum like that.

Spread the word about Chav Scum! to every one that you know an' persuade them to join!



Chav related topics by [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea] that you must Look at.

Chav Index

The Haters:

1)[sam_moo]- CHAV SCUM!!!
3)[Piccolo Sorcio]-
4)[Billie Joe Newman]- I fuckin' hate the bastards!
5)[adieu]- I hate them so much!
6)[Kiss This]- I could kill them after what happened..
7)[*I'm ready to take your 666 in my heart*]- DIE!!!!!! ARGHHHHHH
8)[|-(!)Mr Fratelli(!)¬]- DIE CHAVVY SCUM CRAP... Hold up Dan's above me.... Hey how's it goin'...:p
9)[Tamel]- Aldramelt (my dragon) and I will burn those chavs to fuck!!!
10)[Make Out Kid♥™!]- they're all wankers!!!!! And it happend to two of the nicest guys aswell!
11)[Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea] HEHE Stuck under Laura. --- Chavs are the lesser-peasants of Britain!
12)[HowseR] Why wasn't I informed? Tomorow night I'm going to kick the shit into every chav I see in a drunken rampage. Probably wake up with knife wounds ahwell fun though.
13)[xROZx] Chavs are twats :-P
14)[Appetite for Destruction] To me, chavs are like the gum you get stuck to at the cinema....annoying and pointless. SCUM OF THE EARTH!!!!
15)[VIVI1001] DIE CHAV DIE!! *pulls out a axe and stabs them*
17)[swabloo] Urge to hurt chavs... Rising.... *farts* Oops, false alarm ^^;
18)[-Whispered Voices-]
21)[Candy Coated Corpse]
24)[This House Is Erased]

Username (or number or email):


2005-03-26 [xROZx]: newrocks kick ass!!!!!!

2005-03-27 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: o_o

2005-03-27 [adieu]: i heard of rockports but i never heard of newrocks... O_o

2005-03-27 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: I never heard of either xP

2005-03-27 [Appetite for Destruction]: Neither have I....

2005-03-27 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Yes....

2005-03-27 [Appetite for Destruction]: Random comment.....I saw a chav trip over and fall into a puddle, it was funny! XD Best easter ever!

2005-03-27 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Ok

2005-03-28 [adieu]: lmao that sounds funny!i hope they got their chav clothes all messed up!

2005-03-28 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Haha. Who watched "Chavs" lasnt night on sky one?

2005-03-28 [sam_moo]: noope

2005-03-28 [Blasphemous Rumours]: Ooooo can I join???

2005-03-28 [sam_moo]: yeah sure ill add u to list...wat do u want ritten next to ure name??

2005-03-28 [xROZx]: sam!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-28 [Appetite for Destruction]: No, I didn't see it....oh well....btw, it was only his jacket that got ruined. Pity.....his trousers should've got soaked as well. Nevermind...XP

2005-03-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: This includes townies as well right? And other forms of highly impresonable ape like humans?

2005-03-28 [xROZx]: yesh

2005-03-28 [Appetite for Destruction]: Basically.....anybody who likes crappy music (RAP!!!) must be hated.

2005-03-28 [xROZx]: rap suxx

2005-03-28 [Appetite for Destruction]: Damn right...

2005-03-28 [fantaqueen]: i h8 chavs n townies i especailly h8 chavs wif d initails J.K! hey sam lol:P

2005-03-29 [sam_moo]: hey sarah lol....yeah chavs suck real bad

2005-03-29 [Appetite for Destruction]: Hey, just outta curiousity, can you think of anything worse than chavs? Nuthin springs to my mind at the moment, but I dunno bout what you think...

2005-03-29 [adieu]: thats really hard!i think mass murderers are worse people tho, or maybe cannibals...? =s

2005-03-29 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: I hate spiders (aracnaphobic) and I like them better than chavs

2005-03-29 [sam_moo]: .lol im scared to death of anything like spiders they scare me:( especially moths!!!

2005-03-29 [Appetite for Destruction]: I think I agree....unless the mass murderers are killing chavs. That's different. ;) I don't mind spiders too's bees and wasps I can't stand!! (Melissophobic!) But they are better than chavs...

2005-03-29 [adieu]: someone should make a phobic site...O_o ooooooo!

2005-03-29 [sam_moo]: yeah a phobia wiki:D

2005-03-30 [adieu]: yeah thts what i meant

2005-03-30 [Appetite for Destruction]: Yeah....that's a cool idea! Team up to fight our fears...jesus, that sounded cheesy. Like Battle of the Planets or something....XD

2005-03-30 [adieu]: you should start it then.i would but im really crap at computers!

2005-03-30 [xROZx]: wots phoebia????

2005-03-30 [sam_moo]: same ere:( lol leon is gd at doin wiki we shell get him to lol

2005-03-30 [adieu]: it means somethin youre scared of...e.g spiders, wasps,small spaces blah,blah,blah

2005-03-30 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: =| I have to make wiki for your guys just because your scared. Lmao! A wiki called "Wikiphobia" fear of wikis, or anything else :P

2005-03-30 [Appetite for Destruction]: Hehehe...nice one Leon! ^_^

2005-03-30 [sam_moo]: im lazy and proud!!!!!!!!! MOOOOOOOOOO!

2005-03-31 [xROZx]: erm yeh sam course

2005-03-31 [VIVI1001]: I fear injections *shivers* more than I fear Chavs O_o; chavs are a fucking laugh look at this stupid cunt ^-^

2005-03-31 [xROZx]: i h8 needles! :-P

2005-03-31 [sam_moo]: me to:(

2005-03-31 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: I had a needle rammed in my mouth yesterday..

2005-03-31 [sam_moo]: :O aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*gets worried*:(

2005-03-31 [Appetite for Destruction]: I only hate the big needles....but that's kinda obvious, eh? But other needles aren't too bad...but I guess it's also how hard somebody jabs it into your arm...I should stop talking about this now, right? XP

2005-03-31 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XP

2005-03-31 [Appetite for Destruction]: XP I'm goin down to England tomorrow for a couple o' may be a while before I'm back and inulting chavs...well, on here anyway! XD

2005-03-31 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Ok..

2005-03-31 [Appetite for Destruction]: *insulting. Damn. The holidays only started today and already I've forgetten how to least it's not as bad as a chav's writing.

2005-03-31 [Young naSty maN]:


2005-04-01 [sam_moo]: its wat the wiki is bout....have a gd old rant bout chavs!!!

2005-04-01 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Hahahahahaha

2005-04-01 [xROZx]: muhahahaha!

2005-04-01 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: o_o;;

2005-04-01 [sam_moo]: LEON!!!

2005-04-01 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: sam!!

2005-04-04 [xROZx]: SAM!!!!!!^_^

2005-04-04 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: <<

2005-04-04 [sam_moo]: heloooo im a coooow

2005-04-05 [xROZx]: we no

2005-04-05 [sam_moo]: cows r amaaaaaazinand im gonna own loads wen im older!!!

2005-04-05 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: oo

2005-04-05 [sam_moo]: i actually am:| i want a cow:( and im gonna be sad till i get one lol!

2005-04-05 [adieu]: why dont u buy one then?cant u adopt them like dolphins or something?

2005-04-06 [xROZx]: probs

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: hehe then id be a foster cow parent:O woow!

2005-04-07 [xROZx]: i bet

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: :O:O hehe:P im horny!!1

2005-04-07 [xROZx]: yeh m8

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: i actually am:| badebabebop!!!

2005-04-07 [xROZx]: lmao =-p

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: grrr i mgonna fuckin hit her!!!

2005-04-07 [xROZx]: hit hu?

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: laura fuckin harrison she is annoyin me well bad and i aint in the moood

2005-04-07 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: o_o

2005-04-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: chill you sick bitch.... FAT SEX!!!!

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: i dont wanna chill shes fucked me off well bad fuckin cunt face im gonna fuckin nock her dead shes such......aaaaaaaaah fuckin wanna smack summet

2005-04-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: whack her!!

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: i will

2005-04-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: can i help?

2005-04-07 [adieu]: careful u dont turn into a chav yourself tho!

2005-04-07 [sam_moo]: she no chav shes a bloody pain in the arse she deserves a gd kickin

2005-04-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: she means you fool

2005-04-08 [sam_moo]: i no lol and i was sayin she aint a chav either so lol

2005-04-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: lol fine

2005-04-08 [sam_moo]: :P i hate harrison!!!

2005-04-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: me tooo

2005-04-08 [sam_moo]: lets annoy her by singin postman pat

2005-04-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: XD PITCHFORK!!!!

2005-04-08 [sam_moo]: im gonna smack her if she annoys me today so i suggest u prepare ueself form clamin me down callie cuz if i get to into smackin hher she gonnabe murdered

2005-04-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: XD i'm gonna help

2005-04-08 [sam_moo]: gd laff

2005-04-08 [xROZx]: yeh m8

2005-04-08 [sam_moo]: beefy

2005-04-08 [xROZx]: shitty

2005-04-08 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Woaahh....... Badasses :P calm down

2005-04-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: :P we were in a mooooooood

2005-04-08 [adieu]: calm down.lets bitch bout chavs insted?

2005-04-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: yesh lets! these chavs threw grapes at me but they were such crap shots i didnt even need to move!! XD!!!

2005-04-08 [xROZx]: yesh m8sh

2005-04-11 [xROZx]: oi n e 1 there?

2005-04-11 [sam_moo]: everything is OK

2005-04-11 [xROZx]: im not okay

2005-04-11 [sam_moo]: laura harrison wont be if i get hold of her

2005-04-11 [xROZx]: yeh m8 i bet

2005-04-11 [sam_moo]: u dont no wats gone on.....she fancies sam h tis soo obvious like wen i to,d her i did she went all wierd and now she wants his number

2005-04-11 [Candy Coated Corpse]: XD yes mate

2005-04-11 [sam_moo]: she probs fancies yog aswell nowin her...fuckin retard!!!

2005-04-11 [xROZx]: xD i bett

2005-04-11 [Candy Coated Corpse]: haha!! she'd probs fancy dr j too :P

2005-04-11 [xROZx]: and yog

2005-04-11 [Candy Coated Corpse]: haha sad cow

2005-04-11 [sam_moo]: shes a dead stick walkin

2005-04-11 [Candy Coated Corpse]: XD dead rake walking

2005-04-11 [xROZx]: u callin me a sad cow bitch?

2005-04-11 [Candy Coated Corpse]: what who me?

2005-04-11 [sam_moo]: no i was callin laura it she fuckin GRRRRRRRR!

2005-04-20 [Ricko]: Hey, btw i also have a wiki on called Chav Scum

2005-04-21 [Candy Coated Corpse]: heyyo there

2005-04-21 [sam_moo]: lol cool

2005-04-21 [xROZx]: very kl

2005-04-22 [sam_moo]: yes......

2005-04-22 [xROZx]: yup yup :-)

2005-06-03 [Benzin]: WANNA KILL CHAVS! BAAAAD!!! *goes into a bl00dlust stupor*

2005-06-03 [xROZx]: lmao

2005-06-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: O_O *hugs [Benzin]* ^_^ *joins you in bloodlust*

2005-06-03 [sam_moo]: crazyness:D

2005-06-04 [Appetite for Destruction]: I'm just glad that most of the cahvs have given up on trying to break me 'n' my bf up....*sigh* chavs are such quitters. XP

2005-06-05 [xROZx]: okay then :-O

2005-06-08 [This House Is Erased]: Can I join I work in foot locker and I have to serve the little shits, I am not one of them though!

2005-06-08 [xROZx]: sure :P

2005-06-08 [sam_moo]: yayay new member:D:D

2005-06-09 [Appetite for Destruction]: Another chav hater.....yaaaaaaaay!!

2005-06-09 [xROZx]: gdgd

2005-06-09 [sam_moo]: yayay

2005-06-09 [xROZx]: trust u sam

2005-06-09 [sam_moo]: wats that roz? you eat peanuts?

2005-06-10 [xROZx]: yeh evry damn day!!!!

2005-06-14 [live=evil]: Lucky I am surounded by Chavs

2005-06-14 [xROZx]: woT???

2005-06-14 [sam_moo]: wat? your surrounded by peanut eating chavs?

2005-06-15 [Candy Coated Corpse]: sound like elephants to me O_O

2005-06-15 [xROZx]: :-O

2005-06-15 [sam_moo]: yes

2005-06-16 [live=evil]: Well they are more like sheep anyonging.

2005-06-16 [sam_moo]: omg!!

2005-06-16 [xROZx]: wot??

2005-06-16 [sam_moo]: dunno:P

2005-06-16 [xROZx]: yeh......

2005-06-16 [sam_moo]: hehe

2005-06-16 [xROZx]: haha :-O

2005-06-16 [sam_moo]: hoohooo

2005-06-16 [xROZx]: muhahahahahahahahaaaaaa

2005-06-16 [sam_moo]: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2005-06-17 [live=evil]: ah no longer am I srouned by idiots (chavs)

2005-06-17 [xROZx]: gd4u

2005-06-17 [sam_moo]: lol

2005-06-18 [xROZx]: sam u cheeky gitt!

2005-06-18 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Buh...

2005-06-18 [sam_moo]: mwahahaha

2005-06-19 [live=evil]: Mwahah

2005-06-19 [sam_moo]: mwaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaa

2005-06-19 [xROZx]: muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (i win lmao)

2005-06-19 [live=evil]: muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah (Iwin)

2005-06-20 [sam_moo]: muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha

2005-06-20 [xROZx]: muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-06-20 [sam_moo]: :D

2005-06-20 [xROZx]: yeh u heard Samantha Louise Pay, yeh u know :P

2005-06-20 [sam_moo]: tehehe

2005-06-21 [xROZx]: yeh u can laff :-P

2005-06-21 [live=evil]: :-P

2005-06-21 [xROZx]: lmao

2005-06-22 [sam_moo]: i can laff most indeedly!!! OOOOOOOH ROZ wen i sleep round we have to watch mosdt haunted live all the time and viva la bam!!!!!

2005-06-22 [xROZx]: yuparoony!!!!!

2005-06-23 [sam_moo]: lolarooooooni gd laff aye roz??

2005-06-23 [live=evil]: ?

2005-06-23 [xROZx]: yuparoony!!!!!

2005-06-23 [sam_moo]: lolarooni

2005-06-24 [live=evil]: Bling wht the does it men fo one and brigabriga wtf?

2005-06-24 [xROZx]: wot?!

2005-06-25 [sam_moo]: joe da hoe

2005-06-25 [xROZx]: lmao!!! tru tru

2005-06-25 [sam_moo]: hahaha

2005-06-26 [xROZx]: omg sausage sandwiches at 4 am

2005-06-26 [sam_moo]: HAHAHHAHA

2005-06-26 [live=evil]: just playing with you

2005-06-27 [xROZx]: i bett

2005-06-27 [sam_moo]: the power of the darkside is a path......

2005-06-27 [xROZx]: to rightousness

2005-06-27 [VIVI1001]: CHAVS ON VIDEO O_o;

2005-06-27 [xROZx]: nice :-s


2005-07-03 [xROZx]: MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-07-04 [xROZx]: bin on it, find me!!!

2005-07-10 [swansong for a raven]: fucking chavy scum burn in hell!!! DIE CHAV DIE

2005-07-10 [xROZx]: lol

2005-07-12 [adieu]: chavs shud die a slow and painful death

2005-07-12 [sam_moo]: yep they must

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